Saturday, October 9, 2010

October so far

Sondra and I took the kids to the pumpkin patch today. I'll include probably too many pictures, since I know some decent pics are way overdue.

Sean admiring the train.Time to pose with the train.

In line for the train with Paige in her Alice in Wonderland costume. Sean was supposed to be Bob the Builder but he refused to wear his costume.
Here we are on the train.
Paige and Sean loved the hay ride.
Here is Mari kissing Stephen on Wednesday because she was so happy that he came home early from the dentist. She loves to kiss us all!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sitting Up and Rolling Over

Just took a few pics with my phone after work today. I should be using the good camera, but the phone always seems to be handy.

Mari plays the drum (with a Tupperware lid).Sitting up in Mama & Daddy's bedroom.
She fell over but didn't seem to mind.
A second later she rolled over.
Getting ready for a bath. Sucking her thumb.